
After a couple days into the trip, it snowed about an inch and a half. This gave us ann oppurtunity to snowboard higher up on the mountain. There was one specific run that had perfect untouched powder, which was awesome to ride on. Unfortunatly, the only way to get down to the chair lifts from this run was through very dense trees and snow with some uncovered rocks. Two of us were able to make it through the rough patch, but others had to unstrap from their boards and walk down the portion of the mountain. The next day went went to another resort that was a couple miles down the road. This resort, Snowbird, was a lot icier and had steeper slopes. The overall all experience of Snowbird was much worse than the Brighton resort. One part of Snowbird that I enjoyed was the tunnel through a mountain. There was one run that led down to the base of a tunnel that had a conveyer belt which pushed you up through the cave. The next days we spent at Brighton and enjoyed riding through the trees and hit jumps, fun boxes, and rails.

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