Vball part 2

After we ate our lunch, we were ready to go. We played a few more easy games, then faced  Newbary Park again. This time, the score was closer than we expected. During the first game, we struggled to keep the lead, but we had a run during the last few points. The next game wasn’t as close, but Newbary Park still did better than we expected. After that game, we were tasked with reffing for other school’s games. We watched as Mira Costa defeated every opponent in their path. We hoped somehow, a team would beat them so we wouldn’t have to face them in the final. But our wishes did not come true, and Mira Costa looked like it would be the team we would face in the finals. We were able to relax a bit in the Green Room while other teams played. At last it was the finals, us against Mira Costa, just like we expected. The first game went terribly. After a beat down, we gathered ourselves for game two. We were leading in points for over half the game, but Mira Costa was right behind us. The score was so close, but after a few mistakes and some questionable calls, we had been defeated. It was a good game and we were all pround of each other for making it to the finals. Then, we enjoyed some donuts left over from the morning, cleaned up the gym and went home.

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